Tag Archives: oxidative damage

Please Pass Me the Nasunin?

Foodie lesson of the week: whole baby eggplant (aubergine) slow cooked in a spicy, tomatoey sauce equals gooey, squishy, yummy, warm, glorious goodness… and a whole lot of nasunin.


Yep, nasunin. Nasunin behaves as an antioxidant – preventing oxidative damage by free radicals. In particular nasunin is known to protect the lipids which form the membranes of brain cells. In short, eggplant is good for your brain!

Nasunin is generally found in the skin of the eggplant, so unfortunately one of my favourite ways of eating eggplant – baba ganoush, which requires removal of the skin – is unlikely to contain much nasunin at all. Oh well, I’ll just have to settle for the abundance of dietary fibre, copper, manganese, B6, potassium, folate and vitamin K!

… if only I was better at growing them.

My happiest aubergine plant this season. I hope it does something soon!

My happiest aubergine plant this season. I hope it does something soon!

What are your favourite eggplanty dishes?
